The Sky’s the Limit- City Logistics Donates Laptops to Top KwaMashu Learners

Twelve KwaMashu matriculants were ecstatic to receive their very own laptops, as part of City Logistics’ “Community Driven for Youth” social upliftment programme in the area, in association with the KwaMashu Soccer Legends.

Presented with Laptops to the value of R100k, loaded with free software from Microsoft and the latest programmes from City Logistics’ IT department, the learners will receive free training from one of Durban’s well-known tertiary institutions. Learners also received bags for the laptops, together with other accessories.

The top three academic learners from each of four high schools were chosen based on their 2022 trial results.


Sally Mackay Photography

Sally Mackay Photography

Sally Mackay Photography

Sally Mackay Photography


KwaMashu has four school circuits and the top performing schools were selected based on 2021 results. These were Dumehlezi High School, Zeph Dhlomo Secondary School, Sithegile Secondary School and Emachobeni High School.

KwaMashu Soccer Legends (KSL) representative Mr Innocent Ndlovu said that they became aware that past matric learners excelled at school but struggled with accessing computers at tertiary institutions due to their socio-economic backgrounds.



“The KSL approached City Logistics to assist us in uplifting the standard of motivation to the students so they would not be in a predicament like previous years,” said Mr Innocent Ndlovu. 

KSL approached City Logistics with their idea of assisting these very disadvantaged matriculants. “When City Logistics agreed to come on board, the KSL visited the matriculants at the four schools during their Saturday extra classes to present this incentive. They were very excited about the possibility of this opportunity,” he added.

Spokesperson for the KSL and principal of the Dr JL Dube High School MrSipho Magwaza complimented the initiative, “Traveling this journey with us from day one thus far has been an awesome experience and wonderful opportunity to  learn.”


Sally Mackay Photography