Anthony Naicker, Transport Director at City Logistics Shares an Opportunity for organisations in the Retail, FMCG, Manufacturing and Industrial Market to improve Logistics efficiencies in KZN and East London.
“We strive to minimise delivery costs and add maximum value across supply chains. We can effectively implement a PBS (Performance Based Standards) solution for specific Customers in KZN and East London with our fleet of PBS vehicles”
The PBS pilot programme was established by the CSIR, with support from the Department of Transport. Its work entails conducting comprehensive PBS vehicle safety simulations and road infrastructure impact assessments, to ensure that the vehicles are designed to meet the prescribed minimum performance requirements stipulated by the agreed performance standards.
The primary objective of the PBS programme is to improve logistics efficiency by reducing the costs associated with transporting materials and minimising the cost of delivery to customers.
A significant spin-off lies in the enhanced safety features inherent in the design of these vehicles, due to the strict rules governing participation in the programme.
The CSIR’s transport experts have shown to date that the introduction of a voluntary PBS regulatory framework into the freight and logistics sector in South Africa could make a major contribution to reducing road transport costs, carbon emissions and road accidents. “As such, road freight transport should be made as safe and efficient as possible, and PBS presents a valuable and proven mechanism to contribute to these efforts.”
A PBS vehicle can achieve up to 33% more volumetric/deck space capacity and 50% more payload, this depends on the design and vehicle configuration.
City Logistics has to date, achieved 5million Kms and over 15 000 deliveries using this application, with great success.
Contact us to discuss your Logistics solutions.