Logistics Service

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“To play a pivotal role in the supply chain management process, thus adding value and providing a cost effective solution and service”


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Passionate about Logistics




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City Logistics is a specialist distribution service provider to South African retailers, with a specific emphasis on Apparel and Footwear.


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City Logistics has developed an E-Commerce delivery service for all merchandise, including bulkier products, such as appliances, furniture and MORE.


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Line-haul operations play a pivotal role in connecting distribution networks.



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In order to provide the operational efficiency of a dedicated fleet, but without the burdens of ownership, City Logistics has developed customized logistic solutions.


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With over 100,000sqm of warehousing space, City Logistics provides a complete Distribution Centre management service to several blue-chip South African retailers.


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The efficient road-freight network extends from South Africa to Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Mozambique.




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City Logistics understands supply chains and the importance of adding maximum value, as well as providing cost-effective solutions and the highest service levels. 

Our extensive network throughout Southern Africa has been developed over 30 years, offering an exclusive supply chain solution, specializing in client and fleet requirements.  This typically consists of a dedicated pool of vehicles and staff customized to the client’s operational needs, enabling the client to share the benefits of our procurement, maintenance and risk management capacity.

We are passionate about what we do, passionate about Retail and service excellence. 

Let us be part of your solution.

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City Logistics is committed to uplifting our society in South Africa.

We have an active and ongoing CSI program that promotes sustainable development to NPOs, such as CANSA Foundation, The Clothing Bank, various schools nationwide, Care Centres nationwide, the Zululand Conservation Trust, Celebrate life, NSRI, Diabetes SA, Shap Shap Cinemas and City Hope Disaster Fund.

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City Logistics has established a Greening program, which does as much as possible to reduce any negative impact on the environment, seeking to preserve it for future generations.

In all depots and warehouses, energy saving measures are implemented such as smart-meters, solar power panels, LED lighting and water harvesting. In transportation, the focus is on vehicle fuel consumption which is, on average, 15% lower than industry benchmarks, indicating proportional reduction in carbon emissions.

Across the business, paper reduction targets are set annually and measured monthly, and waste recycling is actively monitored at all depots with the use of recycling bins.

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